Jam Digital With Image list In Visual Basic
Langsung ajj
Ane anggap dah pda tau s'mua cara ngebuka vb 6.0 Dan Pilih Standar exe.
Yg Harus di sediakan..:
1.picture box
6.image Dengan ukuran (615x1215)
1.Image list
dan surce code..
Ikuti langkah" Di bawah Ini,...!
1.bikin 1 buah pictureBox
2.bikin 6 buah Image Seperti Di bawah Ini..!
3.bikin 4 Lable (Label1 dan 2 Ganti Caption'a Dengan :"titik 2" lalu setting Font'a Dan Untuk Label 3 Dan 4 Kosongkan Caption'a)
4.tekan Tombol Ctrl+T (Untuk Membuka components) Cari dan Centang Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0(SP6) Lalu OK..!
5.Klik Image list Di TollBox Sebelah kiri, Drag Ke From Menu
6.Download Dullu Neh Image Clock'a , Klo sudah Ngedownload'a,Klik kanan di Image list Image Lalu masukan Image yg barusan Di download Sesuai urutan awali dengan 1 dan akhiri dengan 0..!
7.Bikin 1Timer (Terserah mau di Taro Mna..!)lalu,masukan surce code di bawah Ini Kedalam Form
9.klo sudah silakan Klik File >make Project1 exe.
Nb :untuk masalah Design Ane ggk bisa jelasin Coz'a di Sini Mau Banjir So ane hru siap" Jdi Kuli Panggul Buat Ngangkatin Barang" Rumah(Eh Ko mlh Curhat :) )ydh Silakan Design Sendiri iya omz..!
and Klo Kurang Jlas PM me omz..!
Surce Code Boleh Copas Asal Jng Lupa Pemilik'a..! :)
Ane anggap dah pda tau s'mua cara ngebuka vb 6.0 Dan Pilih Standar exe.
Yg Harus di sediakan..:
1.picture box
6.image Dengan ukuran (615x1215)
1.Image list
dan surce code..
Ikuti langkah" Di bawah Ini,...!
1.bikin 1 buah pictureBox
2.bikin 6 buah Image Seperti Di bawah Ini..!
3.bikin 4 Lable (Label1 dan 2 Ganti Caption'a Dengan :"titik 2" lalu setting Font'a Dan Untuk Label 3 Dan 4 Kosongkan Caption'a)
4.tekan Tombol Ctrl+T (Untuk Membuka components) Cari dan Centang Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0(SP6) Lalu OK..!
5.Klik Image list Di TollBox Sebelah kiri, Drag Ke From Menu
6.Download Dullu Neh Image Clock'a , Klo sudah Ngedownload'a,Klik kanan di Image list Image Lalu masukan Image yg barusan Di download Sesuai urutan awali dengan 1 dan akhiri dengan 0..!
7.Bikin 1Timer (Terserah mau di Taro Mna..!)lalu,masukan surce code di bawah Ini Kedalam Form
'Surce code By.Loys4&3L1k
'Visit http://Skankingmyfams.co.cc
'About Me
Private Declare Sub SetWindowPos Lib "User32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long)
Private Sub Form_Load()
Label3.Caption = Time & " - " & Format(Date, "Long Date")
SetWindowPos hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, Left / 15, Top / 15, Width / 15, Height / 15, SWP_NOACTIVATE Or SWP_SHOWWINDOW
Timer1.Interval = (1 - (Int(Timer) Mod 1)) * 1000
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
On Error GoTo Eror
Dim t As String, J1 As Integer, J2 As Integer, M1 As Integer, M2 As Integer, D1 As Integer, D2 As Integer
t = Time
If Len(Time) = 10 Then t = 0 & t
t = Replace(t, ":", "")
t = Replace(t, " ", "")
Label4.Caption = Right(t, 2)
t = Replace(t, "PM", "")
t = Replace(t, "AM", "")
J1 = Mid(t, 1, 1)
J2 = Mid(t, 2, 1)
M1 = Mid(t, 3, 1)
M2 = Mid(t, 4, 1)
D1 = Mid(t, 5, 1)
D2 = Mid(t, 6, 1)
ClockSet Image1, J1
ClockSet Image2, J2
ClockSet Image3, M1
ClockSet Image4, M2
ClockSet Image5, D1
ClockSet Image6, D2
Label3.Caption = Format(Date, "Long Date")
Exit Sub
If Err = 13 Then MsgBox "This program will only work if you set 'Start, Settings, Control Panel, Regional Settings, Time, Time separator:' to ':' (colon).", 16, "Error"
Unload Form1
End Sub
Sub ClockSet(Img As Image, Number As Integer)
If Number = 0 Then Number = 10
Img.Picture = ImageList1.ListImages.Item(Number).Picture
End Sub
8.Test Dengan Menekan TomBO'OL F5..! Dan Lihat Hasil'a..!'Visit http://Skankingmyfams.co.cc
'About Me
Private Declare Sub SetWindowPos Lib "User32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long)
Private Sub Form_Load()
Label3.Caption = Time & " - " & Format(Date, "Long Date")
SetWindowPos hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, Left / 15, Top / 15, Width / 15, Height / 15, SWP_NOACTIVATE Or SWP_SHOWWINDOW
Timer1.Interval = (1 - (Int(Timer) Mod 1)) * 1000
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
On Error GoTo Eror
Dim t As String, J1 As Integer, J2 As Integer, M1 As Integer, M2 As Integer, D1 As Integer, D2 As Integer
t = Time
If Len(Time) = 10 Then t = 0 & t
t = Replace(t, ":", "")
t = Replace(t, " ", "")
Label4.Caption = Right(t, 2)
t = Replace(t, "PM", "")
t = Replace(t, "AM", "")
J1 = Mid(t, 1, 1)
J2 = Mid(t, 2, 1)
M1 = Mid(t, 3, 1)
M2 = Mid(t, 4, 1)
D1 = Mid(t, 5, 1)
D2 = Mid(t, 6, 1)
ClockSet Image1, J1
ClockSet Image2, J2
ClockSet Image3, M1
ClockSet Image4, M2
ClockSet Image5, D1
ClockSet Image6, D2
Label3.Caption = Format(Date, "Long Date")
Exit Sub
If Err = 13 Then MsgBox "This program will only work if you set 'Start, Settings, Control Panel, Regional Settings, Time, Time separator:' to ':' (colon).", 16, "Error"
Unload Form1
End Sub
Sub ClockSet(Img As Image, Number As Integer)
If Number = 0 Then Number = 10
Img.Picture = ImageList1.ListImages.Item(Number).Picture
End Sub
9.klo sudah silakan Klik File >make Project1 exe.
Nb :untuk masalah Design Ane ggk bisa jelasin Coz'a di Sini Mau Banjir So ane hru siap" Jdi Kuli Panggul Buat Ngangkatin Barang" Rumah(Eh Ko mlh Curhat :) )ydh Silakan Design Sendiri iya omz..!
and Klo Kurang Jlas PM me omz..!
Surce Code Boleh Copas Asal Jng Lupa Pemilik'a..! :)
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